Disrupt Your Now: The Successful Entrepreneur's Guide to Reimagining Your Business & Life
Tonight the Vice Presidential debate will be held right down the road at Longwood University in Farmville, which is in the footprint of one of our clients - Virginia's Growth Alliance (VGA), geographically the largest economic development region in the state.
News anchors from NYC and other urban areas are raving over the beauty and tranquility - and rightfully so. Many times people who live in our major cities forget that there's another world out there. A world that over 1/3 of US residents live in, according to
In my work with businesses, economic developers, and designated Main Street organizations, I see promise for the future of our small towns. Shopping centers and malls in cities try to fabricate the look of small towns, but they'll never duplicate the feel and importance.
Their very suffering has preserved their past for us today.
The internet, the one thing that allows businesses to sell all over the world, has also empowered small towns by opening up opportunities for entrepreneurs to live wherever they want. Anyone with a dream, a plan, and an internet connection can build a business and make the life of their dreams anywhere they want.
I'm a product of Main Street. My father (who also happened to be blind) owned a music and appliance store in South Boston, Virginia. People still tell me stories of how much he and his store meant to them, and what an impact he made on their life through his business.
I'm sure the debate tonight will be full of references to small town America, but don't let politicians rotely touting the importance of Main Street dull your ears to the fact that it's true. Make it a point to visit your local small businesses and help support the people who support your community.