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Simple formula for successful marketing - the Math of Perception

Simple formula for successful marketing - the Math of Perception

If you prefer reading to watching a video, a transcript is below.

Here at Glerin we like to keep things simple, so I want to share with you a short formula that can help improve your marketing.

We call it the Math of Perception.

That formula is Attract + Assure = Success, and it will be true of any successful marketing campaign out there – whether it’s a business selling a product or a person looking for a relationship.

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Video killed the radio star...

Or in this case, the keyword star.

As the web matures and becomes more entwined with our lives, sometimes words aren't enough to attract search engines.  The latest buzz is that having videos on your site will not only give you more interesting content, but may also help with your search engine placement.  Search engines are trying to give more variety in their results, and the word is that the algorithms are stacked to give preference to pages including video.

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